Neo Win ASFP Award
We are proud to announce that Neo has won the Training and Development of the Year Award at the Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) Awards 2021.
The ASFP is dedicated to the protection of life, property, the environment and our heritage, and promotes continuous improvement in all aspects of passive fire protection.
To be considered for the award, we had to demonstrate how Neo have developed its team had broadened our knowledge and understanding within the fire protection sector through the completion of multiple courses/training.
Given the large number and high standard of entries for this award, it is no understatement to say that this is a fantastic achievement. During the last twelve months, we delivered over 4,729 hours (equivalent to 197 days) of training and development directives including our professional career development and apprenticeship programmes and a scheme aimed at getting the unemployed back to work.
Mike, ASFP’s Business Manager interviewed Barry and Alistair after they found out we won. Watch the video here: